The focus of Working Process’s production is dedicated to numerically controlled machines and lines for the processing of solid wood frames. Strategies for dealing with a technological revolution that cannot be renounced

Working Process, a company specialized in the design and construction of woodworking machines, is spread over 30,000 m2 of surface area, 10,000 of which are covered. It employs 48 people and the reference markets are the main European countries. But not only that, the Emilian company has production plants sold in other countries: from America to Australia. For the distribution of its products, Working Process avails itself of the support of local agents and resellers. The focus of production is dedicated to numerically controlled machines and lines for the processing of wooden frames such as solid wood doors and windows. The company began its activity in 2000 with a well-defined mission: to revolutionize the processing methods of wooden frames and doors. Through the constant evolution of the ‘product, process, concept’ scheme. To learn more about the Working Process organization, we met the marketing director, Paolo Perservati of the Niviano di Rivergaro (PC) company.
Made in Italy products “We make mechatronics – began Perservati – we design and develop both the mechanical part of our machinery and the IT, logic and supervision parts. We exploit global knowledge and creatively use the best in material technologies, software, electronic and mechanical components. This allows us to create cutting-edge solutions for our partners and allow them to develop real competitive advantages over their competitors.” Today in the world of woodworking, in all its aspects, the use of new materials which, combined with wood, create true works of art is of fundamental importance. The recent Salone del Mobile in Milan and the Design Week last April underlined this trend. So even modern woodworking machines must take many needs into account, to satisfy the tastes of producers and consequently consumers. It all starts with a good project. “Form follows function – continues Perservati -: our design is aimed at optimizing the process and making it easier for the operator to work in the various phases of the production process. The construction of machinery and systems for the production sectors is the heart of Made in Italy, without forgetting fashion and food. “Our attention is focused above all on product quality and customization possibilities, two areas in which Italian creativity and know-how are unparalleled in the world”. And he continued: “We like to rigorously deliver what we promise. But our work does not end with the delivery and testing of the system. The quality of processes is much more than the quality of products. We have created a virtuous system in project management that starts from the acquisition of the order up to the testing of the systems”.

Hi-tech, but easy to manage In Working Process the process of developing an idea is shared with the user in a sort of co-engineering. The ever-increasing innovation of production systems is not only linked to technological progress, but also the presence of technicians capable of absorbing user requests and transforming them into concrete projects. “To build a machine for making windows and doors you need to know the final product very well – comments Perservati -. All its current complexities, but also future developments, which is why we are always in close contact with market players: tool makers, software houses, system engineers, hardware manufacturers and other components that are now an integral part of the window”. The study of the machine’s architecture is done following the rules of advanced mechanics. The 3D CAD design system, Catia V5, is used which allows designers to perform FEM structural analyses. As regards interaction and human/machine interface systems, the company adopts latest generation technologies capable of making the use of the processing center or entire production lines simple. Even the loading and unloading of the machines is designed ergonomically in order to facilitate the operators. Last but not least, the Working Process systems provide remote monitoring, both for preventive maintenance and for machine management. As already mentioned in the company’s technical office, Catia V5 is the main parametric 3D CAD design software created by Dassault Systèmes, equipped with a simple interface to use for any type of user, Perservati claimed. “Consequently it is an appropriate solution for the creation of complex machines and systems. It is able to cover the entire product development process: from concept to completion
creation and implementation, in a fully integrated and associative way”. Even in production and pre-assembly, the company uses Catia V5 workstations, which allow assembly workers to consult the 3D drawings of the machines and understand the assembly phases. Furthermore, all drawings are always updated with the latest revision from the technical office. A notable advantage since the various departments operate with the latest version of the project, avoiding errors or resuming work already carried out. “By producing on orders, acquiring the level of customization in a correct and up-to-date way and the added value that we give to our customers, from this perspective, always being up to the minute becomes essential,” underlined Perservati

User requests Instrumental mechanics has evolved a lot in recent years. The advent of high automation, the industry 4.0 paradigm and the continuous need for employee training
operators, have imposed the need to design quality machines and systems. Today, price is generally not the most important parameter that buyers look at. The technological, energy saving and ease of use parameters are certainly the most interesting ones. For example, thanks to a user friendly interface, the operator displays machine data in a simple and intuitive way; touch screens for both the supervisor and the machine PLC are now widespread. Operators are trained to use CAD/CAM software even before the machine is mechanically ready; once the machine has been set up, training on its use begins. Furthermore, thanks to modern design systems, the development times for a new product have been reduced and the time to market has decreased. So in Working Process design and production are in harmony. “We have decided, years ago – underlines Schegginetti – to equip the production with portable workstations through which the technicians can directly access the drawings in order to view them, so they can see the element they will have to create/assemble. Within ten months the entire company, and I mean every single department will be equipped with a new management system to be totally interconnected, from production to marketing, we will have a single database, obviously we will also have a latest generation PLM”. The benefits will be multiple, you will be able to work better and there will be less possibility of making errors or using outdated data.