Is your window ready for tomorrow?

LegnoLegno supports you in the environmental labeling process

Green window and door: objectives, challenges & opportunities

The market demands sustainable windows and doors.
SERRAMENTO GREEN creates new market opportunities for windows and doors with environmentally sustainable performance, strengthening their role in buildings.


  • Track primary supply chain data

  • Measure its environmental impacts over its complete life cycle

  • Improve the environmental performance of the finished product


  • Create a low emissions and low impacts supply chain

  • Expand the number of products involved

  • Go beyond the product scale, indicating a path towards a sustainable supply chain


  • Collaborate with a team of suppliers oriented towards supply chain sustainability targets, therefore going beyond the dimension of the product alone


“Towards Green windows” with the support of LegnoLegno:

  • Create your EPD** and/or PEF*** Environmental Product Declaration, starting from the LCA* method

  1. Definition of the objectives and of the product(s) being analyzed, including the “boundaries” of the analysis
  2. Data collection and acquisition (inventory)
  3. Evaluation and interpretation of impacts
  4. Identification of phases and processes potentially subject to improvement
  5. Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)
  6. Certification of the EPD (from a third party body) and/or PEF
  • You improve the sustainability of your product

  • Meet CAM requirements (minimum environmental criteria)

  • Communicate the environmental value of your products

The first National Project in the window and door sector on the topic of environmental sustainability.

The Green Dictionary

Sustainability dictionary

Life cycle analysis (LCA, in English life-cycle assessment) is a structured and internationally standardized method that allows the quantification of the potential impacts on the environment and human health associated with a good or service, starting from respective resource consumption and emissions. In its traditional conception, it considers the entire life cycle of the system being analyzed starting from the acquisition of raw materials up to the management at the end of the useful life including the manufacturing, distribution and use phases (approach defined as “from the cradle to the grave ”).
The information derived from an LCA analysis can today be expressed, transmitted and shared through Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) or Environmental Product Footprints (PEF), both based on quantified and verifiable information.

The Environmental Product Declaration EPD, a term that derives from the English Environmental Product Declaration, is a document that describes the environmental impacts linked to the production of a specific quantity of product or service: for example energy and raw material consumption, production of waste, atmospheric emissions and discharges into water bodies.
The Declaration, created on a voluntary basis, must be prepared by referring to the analysis of the life cycle of the product based on an LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) study, which defines the consumption of resources (materials, water, energy) and the impacts on the surrounding environment in the various phases of the product life cycle.

The Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) is a measure which, based on various criteria, indicates the environmental performance of a product or service during its life cycle.
Information relating to PEF is provided with the general objective of reducing the environmental impacts of products and services, taking into account the activities of the supply chain: from the extraction of raw materials, to production, to the use and end of life of the product .

English neologism which indicates the communication strategy of certain companies, organizations or political institutions aimed at building a deceptively positive self-image in terms of environmental impact, with the aim of diverting the attention of public opinion from the negative effects on the environment due to its activities or products.

The circular economy is a model of production and consumption that involves sharing, borrowing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling existing materials and products for as long as possible.
This extends the life cycle of the products, helping to reduce waste to a minimum. Once the product has finished its function, the materials of which it is made are reintroduced, where possible, into the economic cycle. Thus they can be continuously reused within the production cycle, generating further value.
The principles of the circular economy contrast with the traditional linear economic model, based instead on the typical “extract, produce, use and throw” scheme. The traditional economic model depends on the availability of large quantities of easily available and cheap materials and energy.

We help you measure, improve, document and communicate to the market the environmental sustainability performance of your products

Towards the Green window.

The first National Project in the window and door sector on the topic of environmental sustainability.