Born at the beginning of the millennium, Working Process is a young company but endowed with an innovative spirit which has led it in 20 years to create 600 systems and machines for the production of wooden windows and doors on three continents. The goal is to be recognized at the level
international for its strong specialization in innovative technologies for the production of solid wood windows and doors through the constant evolution of the “Product, Process, Concept” scheme and the “Technology Without Compromises” philosophy.

Let’s talk about this year that is closing with the Operation Manager Paolo Perservati, asking him to briefly outline the Working Process which since its inception seems to have been characterized by a strong objective that still guides its growth!

«Working Process S.r.l. began its business in 2000 with a well-defined mission: to revolutionize the processing methods of wooden frames and doors, through the constant evolution of the “Product, Process, Concept” scheme. A Group founded in 2000, therefore by nature young but innovative, with two brands within it that have led us to create over 600 systems and machines for the production of wooden windows and doors over the years on three continents. Looking at the two brands in more detail, WP specializes in fully automated Flexible Work Centers, with great production performance, high product quality, capable of creating final products unique in size and shape, a deep and complete range, dedicated to artisan companies and to small, medium and large industries; while CML is dedicated to lines with high production capacity, conceived, designed and created with maximum customization, aimed at transforming the idea into an efficient, productive, reliable plant, thanks to the profound knowledge of the production process and the ability to integrate of projects in companies.

These two areas develop ideas for five Business Units (WP, CML, WPS, WP SERVICE, WP CONSULTING), the result of important investments of our turnover in Research & Development. In particular, the other three units also belong to the “lead brand” and refer to specific areas. WPS: Systems to support and complete the production process. Integrations of different technological brands, managed and inserted into a Working Process project, with the same quality, efficiency and reliability.

WP SERVICE: Installation and start-up of machines and systems, spare parts, training, overhauls, software/mechanical upgrades, repairs, maintenance.

WP CONSULTING: Technical/organizational analysis and planning service, strategic support to companies that need to make changes from a production, management, structural point of view, to renew, expand or create their business.

The goal is to be specialists in the machinery and systems sector for the production of windows, doors and solid wood elements, revolutionizing the methods of processing wooden frames and being the bravest company on the market. Courage that gives rise to our TWC philosophy “Technology Without Compromises”, which has led us to overcome the conventional limits of machines, thanks to the involvement of all the people who work in Working Process and all the external partners of the entire supply chain. Our days are dedicated to the development of the most innovative ideas to be applied to the production of wooden frames. In other words we create advanced technology, dedicated solely to those who produce windows and doors, following the production process in its entirety”

Is the Working Process market therefore international and does its growth strategy focus on continuously surpassing quality?

«50% of the global turnover of the 2nd woodworking machinery market is produced by six large groups, we are therefore in a context of extreme fragmentation made up of medium/small manufacturers. The choice of Working Process was and will be the strong specialization in a market niche, which will allow the company to always have a pool of potential customers, who in turn, due to needs/needs, will be able to have solutions/answers only from larger and more flexible like ours, organized to manage a true “tailor made”. For every business model, an inevitable digital evolution is occurring. The high technological quality standard increasingly imposes highly specialized figures within the Working Process organization: young people with a digital approach and at the same time a profound knowledge of the production process.

Internal processes must be standardized, simple and usable for everyone, also shared outside the Company with suppliers, customers and all those who interact with our Company. The markets are increasingly demanding integrated, complete, turnkey solutions. No longer just a proposal of machines but of services and the ability to manage entire production plants, therefore it is necessary first to create expertise gained within the company and then transfer it into the proposals on the market”.

How will this difficult year end in Working Process and what general considerations has it given rise to in your field?

«Working Process in a particular year like 2020, will close the financial year with a confirmation of the growth trend of 2019. A year in which we completed the purchase of the property and building land in our Niviano headquarters of Rivergaro in the province of Piacenza, fundamental for increasing the company’s assets and creating an expansionary policy. We are already working on a further expansion of the production areas (with the further expansion of 3,000 square meters in addition to the current 8,000 dedicated to the production part which will involve the construction of a new warehouse, having 60,000 square meters of area available today of ours property, acquired in April 2020). The entry and order backlog makes us optimistic, we have a production calendar already closed/busy for 2021, partly 2022 and we are thinking about some important orders for 2023″

Finally, looking to the future, what will be the evolution of Working Process and its vision?

«We aim for gradual growth along internal lines and conducted in compliance with sustainability. Work, passion and knowledge, aimed at serving Man, aimed at raising the quality of working life and improving it in every aspect, represent the ingredients of our recipe both from the point of view of personal needs and from an economic and financial point of view but all with a common thread, sustainability. We think that new Business and Enterprise models are needed on a global level, which together with economic/financial growth, bring together the need to combine social development and environmental sustainability.

Communication today goes far beyond the simple presentation of a product, you need to know how to convey human values and experiences, associate your brand with strong principles: strong principles create identity! We will invest in young people but already with high skills, which is why we think that driven but sustainable innovation is attractive and captivating for young people. The fourth industrial revolution is now in full swing, we will increasingly concentrate our investments towards Research & Development to be able to propose unique solutions, “outside the pack”, which go towards our commercial objective: total customer satisfaction and evolution of their processes. We will have an increasingly digital orientation for the development of our solutions, a path that will first develop within Working Process and its own processes, to then be able to propose them as solutions to customers, “iron yes, but intelligent”.

We will implement the possibility of remotely intervening on our machines, with an IoT platform, new software, video assistance etc., a need generated and accelerated by the Covid-19 emergency. The company will have to be reactive, dynamic and ready to adapt to new scenarios that change rapidly. We will have to change the way we communicate and the way we interact with customers, it will be a necessity and a challenge from which we cannot escape.

Corporate processes must be punctual and standardised, especially aimed at creating the corporate philosophy and identity: an inclusive cultural process for all the people who work in Working Process.

We want to underline that globality always includes territoriality as the central element of each product (a Swedish window will always be different from a Spanish one, as will the installation, finish, habits, etc.). Markets/customers want to communicate more and more with reliable companies, which is why we will adopt a very rigorous Risk Management model and qualifying certification systems.”